General Resources

our favorite resources to learn more about identity, anti-racism, and ethnic studies for K-12 schooling

Articles & Essays

Stanford Study Suggests Academic Benefits to Ethnic Studies Courses

NEA Racial Justice in Education

The Intersection of White Supremacy and the Education System

Dismantling White Supremacy in Our Classrooms

How Ethnic Studies Connects Learning With Students’ Identities  

Ibram X. Kendi: An Antiracist Reading List for Americans


Podcasts & Film

How White Parents Can Talk to Their Kids About Race (NPR)

Talking Race With Young Children (NPR)

Nice White Parents (NY Times)

The 1619 Project (NY Times)

Intersectionality Matters! (Kimberle Crenshaw)

Codeswitch (NPR)

Pod for the Cause (The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights)

Show About Race

13th (Netflix)

Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast

Asian Enough Podcast


TED Talks  

The Difference Between Being Not Racist and AntiRacist – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

Deconstructing White Privilege – Dr. Robin DiAngelo

The Urgency of Intersectionality – Kimberle Crenshaw

We Need to Address the Real Roots of Racial Injustice – Megan Ming Francis 

The Danger of a Single Story – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion – Peggy McIntosh

How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Toward Them – Verna Myers


Social Media

CUSD Against Racism – Instagram

Black in PUSD – Instagram



Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit



How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankin

Unequal Childhoods by Annette Laureau

They Can’t Kill Us All by Wesley Lowery

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism  by Robin DiAngelo

So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo

Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong

Raising Race Questions: Whiteness and Inquiry in Education by Ali Michael

Scarcity: The New Science of Having Less and How It Defines Our Lives by Sendhil Mullainthan

Dream Makers, Dream Breakers: The World of Justice Thurgood Marshall by Carl T. Rowan

What’s Race Got to Do With It? How Current School Reform Policy Maintains Racial and Economic Inequity edited by Edwin Mayorga and Bree Picower

Reading for Their Life: (Re)Building the Textual Lineages of African American Adolescent Males by Alfred W. Tatum

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

Schooltalk: Rethinking What We Say About and To Students Every Day by Mica Pollock

Playing Indian by Philip J. Deloria

The Beginning and End of Rape: Confronting Sexual Violence in Native America by Sarah Deer